Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Easterbrook's ESPN "TMQ" Rocks! -- Literally

Just spent a little time reading this week's Tuesday Morning Quarterback, one of my favorite sports columns of all. His column (link here for this week's) is mostly on the NFL action from the previous week, but he also delves into other thought-provoking topics, often science-related. As a sports-fan who also loves science, space, astronomy, etc. and has an MS in Mechanical Engineering (originally started off in college with an Aerospace Engineering degree plan), I think this is a really cool combo of things to write about.

Side note, I don't AGREE with everything TMQ writes (for example, I think he's completely full of crap about his liberal idea of raising gas taxes), but it's still very interesting on a wide variety of topics.

One interesting paragraph is about why NASA isn't spending more money to prevent dangerous Earth strikes from asteroids / meteors. He also links to a very interesting full-length article in The Atlantic here. Maybe some of those movies (e.g. Deep Impact) about asteroid strikes are not so science-fiction after all!

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