Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eric the Plumber?

I was walking down to our company gym yesterday for my lunchtime workout. In addition to being a pretty nice little gym, it's also, sadly, the best place lately to find out which groups are having layoffs by talking to your coworkers from various organizations. Anyway, on the way, a lady stopped me and said, "had anyone ever told you that you look JUST like Joe the Plumber?"

Joe the Plumber, Joe Wurzelbacher, is the guy who achieved a measure of fame when he asked Barack Obama in the presidential campaign about him raising taxes, and Obama responded with a comment that included something about "spreading the wealth around."

Anyway, I know he has a shaved head, but I don't think I look THAT much like him. Do I?

Other folks with shaved heads ... Peter Furler, lead singer of the Australian Christian rock/pop band Newsboys:

Or Howie Mandel, former game show host of NBC's "Deal or No Deal":

1 comment:

corey said...

You're just not sporting the eyebrow action of Peter, and the jewelry that Howie wears so naturally just ain't you. So Joe the Plummer it is! (Unless you get that head tattoo I've been razzing you about...)