Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'll do it MYSELF!

Other than exercising, another source of my observations that sometimes support my conservative principles is in my children. For example, my daughter likes to eat yogurt for breakfast. So, one morning recently, I got out the yogurt and a spoon for her, thinking this would be a good thing.

Wrong. She got upset, and took the spoon and yogurt from me. She opened the drawer and put the spoon back in, then stomped over to the fridge and put the yogurt back in. Then she got the yogurt and spoon out herself and sat down and ate. I was left just shaking my head, and I had another good story to tell my wife and friends.

Anyway, point is that in my children I observe that basic human nature is to want to do something yourself rather than have it done for you. Well, at least until my daughter wants me to do something for her.

I suppose another possibility is simply that my daughter is a rather selfish, albeit beautiful, little drama queen princess that just wants what she wants and will punish those who do not provide it quickly enough!

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