Monday, September 8, 2008

Playing with the big boys (and big ladies)

In my job last week and this week, I got thrown into kind of a crisis issue on a product that I do not normally support. The guy tapped to lead this team led the team for a couple of days, but ended up going on vacation for 1-1/2 weeks, so I had to cover for him right as the issue really blew up. But fortunately, I ended up doing a pretty good job (in my ever-so-humble opinion) and not totally making an idiot of myself. My 1st and 2nd line bosses (our overall org at Freescale has 7 levels -- CEO Rich Beyer is my 6th-level boss) want me to keep leading this team even though the guy originally chosen to lead it is back today from vacation.

As part of this team's leadership, there are several ongoing meetings that I've been leading in the VP of Final Manufacturing's office (my 4th line manager, a lady who's a corporate officer). The latest summary / status email I sent out was the "highest level" email I had ever sent out in my almost 12 years of work here -- had like 4-5 3rd-level managers on it, 4-5 4th level VPs copied on it, and even one Executive VP level lady (a 5th-level manager / direct report to CEO).

I made sure to do a spell check on it (and on the names of the bigwigs) before sending it out!

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