Monday, September 8, 2008

McCain / Palin Support New Mexico Green Chile!

At our local Chuy's restaurants in Austin, they're having a green chile festival celebrating the Hatch, NM, green chiles. My wife and I have been eating there several times the last couple of weeks, and we bought lots of chile to freeze and have for the next few months. I have a new bottle of Hornitos in my pantry now steeping with not one, but two green chiles for margaritas. See previous blog entry ( ) for recipe.

As part of Chuy's green chile promotion, they have t-shirts that promote supporting the "Green Chile Party '08", complete with a humorous "platform" consisting of a list of bullet points basically telling you to eat lots of chile.

I was thinking of their humorous linking of chile and politics when I saw the below photo of McCain / Palin buying salsa from El Pinto, a pretty well-known restaurant in Albuquerque, NM. Just more confirmation I'm supporting the right candidates! 8^)

Caption from AP reads, "Sunday: John McCain picks up his change after purchasing jars of salsa at El Pinto restaurant in Albequerque, N.M., for himself and his vice presidential running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. (AP Photo)"

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