Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Death of Freedom?

Man, I would love to support an African-American candidate for President. In fact, I even took a little test on "implicit / automatic" biases recently on a Harvard web site, link here, and found I have a slight automatic bias towards black people versus white people. This project is also mentioned in Malcolm Gladwell's fascinating book, "Blink", which deals with decisions humans make at a subconscious level.

But while I'd like to support a black man or woman for President, that candidate first and foremost must be someone that will uphold the Constitution and freedom, which is the main concept I feel has made America great. I don't feel Obama does this. Here is an article on National Review that captures my feelings almost exactly. A couple of paragraphs I like:

Freedom accepts that we are different. The endless variety of life assures that. I had every opportunity to become just as good a basketball player as Michael Jordan, but he has natural gifts and worked harder. If we played a hundred times, he would whip me a hundred times by about 500 points. No Change, no matter how rapturously framed, could alter that result without chaining him to the bench and rendering the game no longer recognizable as basketball. That would be perversion, not justice.

Yet, this is just what Obama’s “economic justice” envisions: that the government can hamstring Michael Jordan and give me enough freebies that, despite his talent and industry, he can only play me to a tie, destroying his incentive to excel while the Bulls go out of business, no longer able to afford even my mediocrity. Naturally, such an absurd system requires change. Redistribution smothers the freedom our Constitution is designed to foster. It is therefore antithetical to our law.

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