Thursday, October 9, 2008

Truck works MUUUCH better, work stuff

Wow, my truck performs much better with a functioning one of those alternator thingies! Of course, it still gets only about 13-14 MPG. At least oil is headed south of $90 / barrel.

Have to lead one of those big meetings with my bigwig, er, 4th line manager / VP today. That's why I'm wearing pants (verses typical jeans -- no, I don't typically wear underwear only to work!).

We had a communication meeting yesterday with our 2nd and 3rd line manager, with some interesting Q and A about the recent news that Freescale is selling off part of its business. It seems like some org changes are coming in near future, and a few layoffs may go with it. I'm not too worried, though ... I support a business group that is not being sold off, and we're definitely plenty busy and under-staffed around here.

Just talked to my mom, who works at a local company that sells organic juices / nutritional products here in Austin area -- they sell both direct to consumers and also in local organic stores like Central Market and Whole Foods. They're a bit concerned with the economy situation, because people tend to cut back on vitamins, etc. when economy turns down -- most people in tight times have to pay mortgage, groceries, electric bill, and gas for the car before somewhat more discretionary purchases like vitamins, nutritional supplements, etc.

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