Monday, October 13, 2008

My kids do not support my economic plan

A few years ago, we got a little bit of extra money from Freescale getting bought out and taken private -- this "change of control" caused all of our stock options that were going to be given to us over time to vest immediately. I suppose it wasn't "extra" money, rather we simply received it sooner.

I tried to save some of it, but we made some improvements on the house and spent it on a few other things that we either needed (unexpected car repairs, work clothes) or wanted (Patron, Gran Centenario Plata, golf, cool trip to see relatives Peter and Lisa in Seattle, dinner at one of my favorite Austin sushi restaurants Uchi, etc.).

Anyway, the rather down economy and higher gas prices are making us cut back in a few areas. One of the biggest "levers" we had to pull was cutting back on eating out, which we did quite a bit of on weekends and used for entertainment as well as meals. Often the kids would look forward to going to Trudy's or Chuy's after our really long Sunday services (Lauren would say, "I want beans!").

So yesterday after church when both kids were pleading, "I want to go to restaurant!", and then crying when we told them that we were just going home, it was a little tough. Lauren apparently is not quite ready to have a conversation about "living within your means."

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