Saturday, October 11, 2008

It happens to a lot of guys

Another story from this morning's soccer game for Daniel, related to me by Natasha (who took Daniel to soccer this morning while I stayed home with Lauren, who'd slept in until almost 10am--we don't wake her before she's ready unless the house is on fire).

While Daniel was on a break from playing the game, waiting to sub in later, Natasha noticed Daniel standing up with his hands stuck down the front of his pants. Wanting to discourage this behavior, she told him, "Daniel, get your hands out of your pants."

Daniel had an explanation, though. He said, "Mom, my penis is up!", loud enough for several nearby parents to hear. One of the nearby fathers helpfully offered, "Yeah, that happens sometimes..."

I suppose we should consult a physician immediately if this lasts for longer than 4 hours.

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