Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Google your "Next Great Idea" before spending money!

I am a conservative. A proud, Reagan, Limbaugh, America-is-great, rugged-individualist conservative. So, needless to say, I'm not voting for Obama this year. As a side note, I really think it would be cool if a great conservative black, female, or other minority candidate would run for President so I could strongly support them and stick it to all the libs that say conservatives are racists and sexist and that we don't like Obama because he's black or Hillary because she's a woman. (No, it's because they want to turn the US into a liberal / socialistic European country!)

Anyway, I was reading something political and thinking about how I did not want Obama to win, and the phrase "NOBAMA" (like "No + Obama) just sort of popped into my head. This seemed like a great idea that would make a great bumper sticker. So I found an online company that made custom bumper stickers, and ordered about 50. I think I spent about $65. I had thoughts of selling them and starting this movement, etc. I was really proud of myself for this idea, and told my friend Ken at work that I thought it was "brilliant". He actually agreed with me that it was pretty good.

Hey kids, if you ever get a great idea that you think could go somewhere big, you might want to Google it first. Um, yeah, someone else already thought of it. Complete with their own web site, www.nobama.com , and everything. Maybe next I can go invent a phone with a cool touchscreen that also plays digital music files!

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