Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Labor Day weekend ... The tequila isn't working!

So my wife is off for her big birthday weekend with her girlfriends while I'm with my kids all weekend. Hmmm, was that a bad sign that Natasha, Corey, and Jennifer didn't have their wedding rings on when they left to go out last night?

Anyway, the tequila I gave the kids really hasn't kept them as calm as I'd hoped. They're still bickering with each other over toys, etc. I guess they're kind of "angry drunks" when they have tequila!

(I'm just kidding, by the way --I've loaded them up on Benadryl, not tequila).

(Kidding again)

We're off in a few minutes to drive around ... maybe go to a park or restaurant for lunch. Happy Labor Day weekend!

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