Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Should I root for or against the Chinese girls?

If I let myself, I can get pretty upset watching the Chinese girls gymnastics team. It's not about wanting the USA to win or a typical sports rivalry kind of thing. It's the whole thing about how the Chinese team gets formed. By force.

I have a 3 year old daughter that is very beautiful, graceful, and strong (not just her will and temper, either!). She can climb about 3-4 feet off of the ground just using the handles on the front of the fridge. She was supporting herself between a chair and a bookcase swinging back and forth after dinner last night. Because we're watching the Olympics this week, my wife and I commented about how, "maybe she'd be good at gymnastics".

Well, in China, if a little girl appears to show promise / potential in gymnastics, she can be TAKEN from her parents and basically put into servitude to perform for the State gymnastics team. An NBC report said that they get to see their parents once a year. Having a daughter this age, I know how devastating it would be for the government to just take away my child, much less for a sport.

Knowing this, it really makes me despise the totalitarian Chinese regime and also pray/hope that the Chinese people can one day experience the true freedoms we have in America. But I can't help but feel sorry for the little girls (who I am SURE are 16 years old despite being about the same size as my daughter) forced into such a situation and want them to do well.

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