Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Half naked volleyball

The US women's beach volleyball team of Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh has been a regular on the NBC primetime Olympic broadcast. See pictures of what they look like in this NBC Sports slide show:

Compare that with what the men are wearing:
(although typically the men's beach v-ball players to go shirtless in normal events -- they're wearing the sleeveless tees just for the Olympics)

My wife walks by while I'm watching it (I've really just been watching it waiting for the swimming or track events to start) and comments, "watching the half-naked volleyball, again, huh?"

Right after she says this, a promo for The Office (my favorite show) comes on with Michael Scott saying, "I'm not just watching the women's beach volleyball for the bikinis -- it's not about the bikinis, it's about what's underneath."

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